Monday, December 12, 2005

My Doctors Visit Today 12-12-05

Well, here goes....The doctor order a chest X-Ray of my lungs, since I was trying to hack one up all the time and he also ordered an esphogram (sp) to see how my swallowing was. The results came back today. I have acid reflux. OK that doesn't sound bad however out of all of the symptoms I had about 8 out of the 10 or 11. My hoarseness, vocal weakness, voice breaks, coughing and so on and so on. I am suppose to do a number of things like, elevate our bed 6" at the head, take medication, watch spicy foods and to eliminated STRESS - I asked dad about the last one he said I needed to get rid of him....Well that's kind of drastic so I'll have to see what I can do to eliminated the STRESS in my life.

Well, we are off and running Christmas shopping you know. See You All next weekend. Love, Mom


Katie said...

What medication are you taking?

Well, I guess....Daddy was right. Don't tell him I said that.

Bright-Mom said...

Well, at least it isn't something life threating! I am greatful for that!