Friday, March 03, 2006

Oh, the sleepless nights... and days

So, here we go again! TEETHING... what a joy. TJ is teething AGAIN! This time I think it is his two front teeth on the top. We have had many sleepless nights again. Ahhhh, the joys of motherhood. I haven't written in like forever, and so I thought I would take a few minutes while TJ is actually resting well and update everyone on the Franklin family situation. Let's see.... Tyler applied for a job in Key West but did not get it, so he is looking again for another place to go. The other night he called me in the back to ask me how I felt about Naples, Italy? I said cool! Whatever! I mean he is the one that has to work there not me. :0) Tyler is dealing with a stinking cold and I am dealing with two young men who can't sleep at night. The other night EVERYONE was up at our house at 2:30am. Tyler couldn't breathe and thought he needed to puke, TJ was screaming and I was just trying to figure out how I missed all of this when I signed up to be a wife and mother. J/K We had a great trip home to Aiken and loved spending time with mom and dad and even CaCa Crash! I am going to run and maybe just maybe I will get my hair actually dried and then have a moment of peace to read my new Mary Higgins Clark book. I love you all!



PS Jessica how did the sub thing work out for you?

PPS Roz thanks for the American Idol chat!

PPPS KT seriously if you are going to play pranks at work at least do it right!

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