Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Looks like we made it...

Bowen decided to not come while Stephen was gone. Stephen got home today, and mom and dad left about 15 minutes later. Thanks Mom and Dad for coming and babysitting me! :)

KT, we are still keeping you in our prayers! (My parents have put your name on the temple prayer rolls a couple times in the last week as well!) We feel really good about this! Keep your head up!

Maria, there are worse places than Wyoming! Plus, the church is pretty strong there. I feel sure we can totally work out the Christmas thing! So, don't get too worried about it. I am kind of excited for you guys. Moving is stressful, but there is something refreshing about a new start! I always kind of enjoy moving...sick but true!

It looks like we will make it to the scheduled date, Aug. 22nd. So, less than a week now! Love you all!

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