Friday, August 11, 2006

Fasting for KT and Creighton

Hello Family,

I will also send this out on email...I know we don't all check the BLOG (shame shame). I know we are all aware that this is going on, but I wanted to suggest that we all fast and/or pray for KT and Creighton this Sunday. It looks like things are a go for this weekend. Even if for same reason they don't happen this weekend, it might be a good idea to fast and pray that they will be able to happen soon and successfully! I have talked with KT about this (fasting) before, but didn't mention it recently. However, I feel sure they would not object to prayers on their behalf! There is power in numbers! So, this Sunday, let's all fast & pray for KT and Creighton and success in the invitro procedure!


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