Thursday, October 02, 2008

Our Little Patient

TJ snuggling Mommy after he downed 2 popcicles
and watched 20 min. of Thomas

Rock Star eating his popcicle chllin' with Thomas!

TJ had his tonsils and adenoids (for the second time, did you know they can grow back? weird) removed on Tuesday. He did great. We packed tons of distractions, including a NEW Thomas the Tank Engine movie. Daddy packed the laptop and we were set. Right after he woke up TJ gobbled and I mean gobbled down 2 popsicles, then he passed out and slept for 4 1/2 hours. When he woke up he was starving. He again ate 2 popcicles, then he asked for more food. He ate a chocolate pudding, and a whole bowl of Mac-n-Cheese. He was such a trooper. He didn't even take any pain meds at the hospital. So far we have only given him Tylenol. He hasn't touched the Tylenol with Codine. I am so proud of him. He is back to his old self. Dr. Sanjay Gupta (not from CNN) performed his surgery and he told us that TJ should be pretty sore considering how huge and nasty his tonsils were and especially the one on the right side, but he isn't. He didn't even complain about his chest hurting from the chest tube. The only thing TJ pitched a fit about was the removal of his beloved IV. He screamed bloody murder, so they let him keep the tubing. What a day we had. We appreciate all the blessings and thoughts on our behalf. We are also so grateful to have the Priesthood in our home, Tyler was able to give TJ a blessing and that helped a great deal. We love you all.



PS Can you guess what color popcicles he ate?

The beloved IV...actually the nurses had a heck of a time
convincing him to leave it alone, so when they went to take
it out he was MAD!!

Daddy trying to steal a bite of the YUMMY blue popcicle!

1 comment:

Bright-Mom said...

I am so glad he did well! Good job TJ-Man!