Thursday, June 01, 2006

Talented Jessica

So, the other day I was sitting at the table with Kate doing some school work. (She will do it for hours!) She asked if I knew how to make the color purple. I said, "No, how?" and she told me you need to mix red and blue. Then she showed me with her markers she was using. I told her I was impressed she knew that and she said, "My Aunt Jessica taught me that. You know mom, she is so talented!" I agreed. Then Kate said, "She can draw Mickey Mouse & Mortimer Mouse, she can play the piano really well, and sing and be an actress. She has SO many talents and all I am good at is helping." I told her, she already has many talents and that if she wanted to have as many talents as Jessica she needs to work really hard. I told her Aunt Jessica has been working her whole life to develop her talents and that is what she would have to do. If she wanted to have a talent as a ballet dancer, she would have to work really hard at ballet, etc. Obviously, she thinks Jessica is the greatest...don't we all! Love you Jessica! Thanks for being a good role model and for giving me that teaching moment!

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