Friday, April 07, 2006

Up-date on the Girls!

Clair filled up her first potty chart. She had to go eight times and have dry pants each time, before she could get a new game. I finally just asked her (after many unsecsessful bribes) what she'd like and after giving her MANY choices, she said she'd like a new game. Well, it took her two days, but she filled her first chart. Next chart will have 12 spots to fill. So today we went to Wal Mart and she picked the classic, "Cooties". She also said next time she wants "Monkeys in a Barrel". (Good that one is cheap!) So, maybe I found some motivation. We just need to work on getting her to tell me she has to go, not me just taking her every 30 - 45 minutes.

Kate went to the dentist today. She LOVES going to the dentist. He said she has beautiful teeth. It was a mad house. It is the only ped. Dentist in our plan that is not all the way in Atlanta. CRAZY I tell you! But Kate liked it a lot....tons of kids. She immediately found a new friend! They gave her a little goody bag with a t-shirt (fancy), a new toothbrush, and tooth paste. The hygentist said, "oh wait, they didn't put your name one it." She got out her pen and Kate says, "K-A-T-E" (Like the lady couldn't spell Kate! I had to laugh! Clair will go for her fist apt. at age 3 and that is when I will take Kate back for her 6 month apt. By then, little Bowen will be going with us too! Oh scary...three kids! Anyway, Kate did well and was happiest that the hygentist suggested an electric toothbrush for her. (She has issues with plaque along her gum line up front, like her dad I guess.) Anyway, so while at Wal Mart, Kate also picked out a new tooth brush. Of course as soon as we got home she had to use it!

One more funny story...yesterday while the girls were napping I watched "Pride and Prejudice" (my most recent Netflix movie). Clair woke up right at the end. In the closing scene, the leading actress kisses her guys hand. It is all very tender. Clair was sitting in my lap and as soon as she kissed his hand Clair says, "Ewww, gross!" Kind of killed the mood. Then after they kissed for real, I said, "Ohhh!" Clair said "What?" I said, "They love each other!" She kind of looked at me like, who cares, turn on Elmo, he never kisses! Thank goodness it was the end, I might have had a rioting 2 year old on my hands! :)

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